What is ECS?
Exploring Computer Science is a year-long, research-based, high school intro-level computer science curriculum and teacher professional development program that focuses on broadening participation in computing. We support teachers and districts through implementation of the course regardless of school resources.
ECS focuses on the following three strands:
CS Concepts

Let us introduce to you our new alternate unit:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a term that we hear on a daily basis. Yet the topic is not taught explicitly to our learners, while we operate in a world that uses AI with promises of further AI usage to come. The aim of this unit is to demystify the topic of AI, with students gaining an understanding of terminology such as machine learning and deep learning.

ECS is pleased to announce the release of
An Electronic Textiles Unit for Exploring Computer Science
In our new curriculum unit, students explore electronic textiles (e-textiles): articles of clothing, accessories, or home furnishings with embedded electronic and computational elements. This curriculum is an alternate for Unit 6: Robotics. After conducting various studies on curriculum design, teaching strategies, student learning, and portfolio designs, this unit is ready for download and classroom implementation by ECS teachers.