Participation in Los Angeles Exploring Computer Science (ECS) from 2008-2016

2008-09 2009-10
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Number of ECS Students
306 921 1377 2136 1927 2375 2390 3355
Number of ECS Courses 7 17 36 67 63 80 88 NA
Number of ECS Teachers 7 16 18 30 32 38 48 60
Number of ECS Schools 7 16 17 24 25 33 40 43

Estimated total Number of Students Enrolled in ECS across years (from 2008-2009 to present): 14787

LAUSD ECS enrollment separated by ethnicity for 2013-15

Latino/a African
White Asian Other
2014-15 74% 8% 9% 8% 2%
2013-14 73% 11% 8% 7% 2%
AP-CS 44% 7% 15% 22% 1%
District Demographics 73% 10% 10% 6% 1%


Exploring Computer Science Course Enrollment 2011-­2012: Los Angeles Unified School District

Ethnicity Female Male Total
Latino/a 734 915 1,649
African American 92 108 200
Asian 46 81 127
White 25 57 82
Filipino 21 47 68
Native American
4 5 9
Pacific Islander 1 0 1
Total 923 1,213 2,136


Exploring Computer Science Course Enrollment in LAUSD: 2008-­2012

Year 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012
Total Course Enrollment for ECS 306 921 1,377 2,136
Increase from Previous Year N/A +615 +456 +759


Comparing AP CS and ECS Participation Rates (2010-­2011)

Groups AP Computer Science Test Takers (California) AP Computer Science Test Takers (National) Exploring Computer Science Students (Los Angeles)
African American 33 out of 2,793
1% of the total
825 out of 19,390
4% of the total
133 out of 1,377
9% of the total
Latino* 215 out of 2,793
7% of the total
1,047 out of 19,390
5% of the total
971 out of 1,377
70% of the total
Female 582 out of 2,793
20% of the total
3,726 out of 19,390
19% of the total
564 out of 1,377
40% of the total

*– The College Board uses Mexican American and Other Hispanic. These groups were combined as Latino which is used by the Los Angeles Unified School District.